Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Three days already since I last posted.

I haven't been crazy-busy but I have had things to occupy my time. I've gotten back into reading and have volunteered to be the librarian for a few hours per week. Last night was the outdoor safety lecture so I am now able to go out on hikes. (which I may try this weekend)

My job has me working at the powerplant at least for the next few weeks. The winter crew is finishing up their work on an upgrade project and will all be leaving in October. I'm not yet sure what I'm doing after that.

So far at work I've been doing everything from shoveling snow to bolting things to the floor to tracking down shipping containers out in the field behind the station. I have more safety training tomorrow. It seems like most of my time for these first few days is spent in training.

Work ended early today because of an "all hands" meeting were everyone on station got together to hear updates on various projects both scientific and otherwise. The meeting got out at 5:00 so we had the last half-hour of the day off.

I spent it taking a walk to Skua central: a shack filled with stuff left by people who have gone home. Skua is pronounced SKoo-AH and is named after the Antarctic version of the seagull that seems to eat anything left outdoors. Many of the veterans down here say they hardly pack anything anymore because anything they need for work is usually either issued or can be found in Skua.

I found a pair of sneekers that fit in Skua and from there I went over to the "gerbel gym" which is an old building filled with treadmills, bikes and other cardio equipment. A half an hour on the treadmill had me feeling better and I took a shower before heading off to dinner.

The food here is good heavy comfort food that warms me up after being outside. Unfortunately it also does a good job of packing weight on most people around me. I'm still hoping not to gain weight here so I will likely be making a habit of going to the gerbel gym.

With the Merino wool hat I bought in New Zealand and my pair of Carheart work overalls I'm starting to look like pictures I see of fishermen from northern maine. It's interesting to see a different me in the mirror.

I think I've seen all of the different types of door handles and latches on station. There are some interesting ones designed to be easily opened with mittens and there's no predicting which ones you'll see where or which direction they need to be moved.

Lots of new things going on here with every aspect of life if anyone wants to know about something specific let me know so I can bring it up.


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