Sunday, December 03, 2006

Film Crews

There are no less than four film crews on station right now. Two are filming documentaries about living in Antarctica and two are reporters working on stories about climate change.

I've gotten used to walking around corners and staring into the lens of a camera but one of the reporters from MSNBC committed a bigger sin in the eyes of the McMurdo community a couple of days ago: he published a whiny article.

You would think this would make us feel proud, he described the hardships we have to go through to get here which should impress the people back home right? Well actually, he came off as whining about the little stuff and not realizing he was getting the chance to see one of the last frontiers on earth. Sure people lose luggage on airplane flights and there isn't a movie on the military transport but YOU'RE IN ANTARCTICA!

The article got printed out and left around the galley where many people read it and everyone talked about it. He has since apologized for writing while he was so grumpy but before his apology the other reporters' reaction was priceless. The two documentary crews have been here for a couple of weeks so people know who they and they were safe but the other crew of PBS reporters who came in on the same flight with the luggage-loser were looking very sheepish around the galley and could be heard saying "We're not them!"

I made a sign for the PBS guys that the camera man ended up wearing on his back which said in huge letters:

We're with PBS


They were very thankful when I gave it to them. We are generally a friendly bunch down here who will go out of our way to help people when they need it. Most people here know, however, what we go through isn't anything compared to the explorers of the Heroic Age (1902-1922) and trying to impress people with stories of your "hardships" doesn't win you many friends here who are quietly working to get through just as many problems with equipment and bureaucracy so the science can continue. Publishing your troubles in a national news source is right out

The articles have gotten better and while they aren't totally accurate do give a reasonable idea of how life is down here so now I'll share the link to the article you've all been waiting for.

This is one response to the article published on Big Dead Place which is a site run by an old disgruntled employee who knows the cynical side of Antarctica. It's witty.


Blogger ركن المثالية said...

شركة شفط بيارات بالاحساء
شركة تنظيف بيارات بالاحساء

3:05 PM  
Blogger انجين محمد said...

شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالقطيف

ان تسربات المياه مشكلة ترهق الكثير من الاشخاص وتحتاج الي ايدي ماهرة لحل هذه المشكلة ولكن اذا لم تجدوا تلك الايدي الماهرة عليكم ان تواصلوا مع شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالقطيف، هي من افضل الشركات التي تقدم خدمة في ذلك المجال لديها خبرة سنوات كثيرة، اول شركة قامت بعملية كشف تسريب المياه المخفي دون اي تكسير للحوائط او الارضيات وانما عن طريق جهاز صغير يقوم باصدار ذبذبات معينة بمكان الذي يحدث منه التسرب تحديدا، نجد ان الشركة لديها ايدي عاملة وفريق سباكة جيد سوف يقوم بحل مشكلة التسرب فورا كل هذا بالاضافة الي مميزات اخري من تقديم شهادة ضمان للعميل وتقديم اسعار مناسبة للجميع وغير مبالغ فيها

11:17 PM  

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